I do not fear what you can do to me, in as much as what I declare is God’s message for your salvation.


Homily For The 12th Sunday In The Ordinary Time A. June 25, 2023

Sunday Readings

My Dearest Friends in Christ,

Welcome to the twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time. May God’s peace and blessings be with you all. In ordinary times, we do not celebrate any particular mystery of our faith. The green color that marks this period symbolizes life, growth, and newness. It is believed that having been fed with the mysteries we celebrated in the previous Sundays we shall grow in faith and be more lively in the exercise of our Christian faith.

Today the readings, especially the Gospel, remind us of the obligation to be courageous in speaking out and witnessing the Gospel message in our time. Jesus recognizes that fear will also cause the failure of discipleship because faithful proclamation and practice of the Gospel inevitably puts disciples on a collision course with the powers of this world. In Scripture, in more than 365 instances, Jesus tells His disciples not to fear. We ought not to be afraid even when we are threatened with death, imprisonment, loss of our jobs, blackmail, or any materially beneficial source of livelihood. Fear or phobia is the great enemy of our success as disciples of Christ. It cripples our inner courage and launches us into a despicable situation of blind submission and compromise.

We are all guilty of having betrayed Christ and our faith, for fear of material losses, loss of one’s reputation, or bodily harm. We are all guilty in one form or another of complicity in the crime of conspiracy of silence that has perpetuated evils that we are bemoaning today.


The story of St. Thomas More vividly captures what it means to be courageous and to be unafraid of those who can destroy the body. In 1534, Parliament passed “The Act of Supremacy”, declaring King Henry VIII, the supreme head of the Church of England. Henry had Parliament declare that all public officials must swear and sign an oath, which both recognized him as Supreme Head of the English Church and promised obedience to him in his new role. Thomas was a devout Catholic and he did not approve of Henry’s divorce from Catherine of Argon, and his claim of the title “Supreme Head of the English Church”. Thomas felt forced to resign his position as Lord Chancellor and retire to his home in the country far away from the public eye and religious controversy. Unfortunately, he was much too prominent and too respected to be left alone.

Firmly rejecting any compromise with his conscience, Thomas refused to sign the oath of allegiance to King Henry. Upon his refusal, he was imprisoned in the Tower of London where he remained until his trial. He was convicted of high treason and sentenced to death.

Saint Thomas Moore was beheaded on Tower Hill and his body was buried in the Church of Saint Peter. “I am the King’s good servant, but God’s first” were the last words spoken by Thomas before his execution. 

Oh, how inspiring and motivating were his last words, ” I AM KING’S GOOD SERVANT BUT GOD’S FIRST.” The day we realize that those words define our Christian life, the more fearless we shall become in condemning the evils in our society, prudently confronting those in authority and bearing witness to Christ, without fear of any loss or favor.

Prophet Jeremaiah’s Experience

In the first reading, the Prophet Jeremiah narrates his experience of the severe persecution he experienced at the hands of the Jews, including his friends, when he prophesied to them during the reign of King Josiah. He condemned the infidelity, rebelliousness, and idolatry of the Jews which had led them into exile. Although severally persecuted for the truth, he was never afraid because his consolation was “The LORD is with me, like a mighty champion. My persecutors will stumble. They will not triumph.” We all need to understand that when we speak out for God, He never abandons us.

Jesus Commands Us “Do Not Be Afraid “

n the Gospel, Jesus encouraged us not to be afraid of those who can only cause bodily harm. Jesus’ words that whatever is covered up will be uncovered and secrets made known to arise from the disclosive power of the Gospel, in which the disciples participate, through the means of their mission. Their simplicity, vulnerability, and dependence on God demonstrate the reality of God’s presence and character in the face of the world’s claims to possess real power. Even though doing so will bring suffering, the Gospel must now be proclaimed, “…in the light and from the housetops.” 10:27)

Jeremiah, St.Thomas Moore, and many Christian saints and martyrs are examples to us. What about us? Aren’t we guilty of the conspiracy of silence? It was Desmond Tutu who once said, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor…

Dont Keep Quiet

There is so much injustice, brutality, and oppression in our world. Why are we afraid of challenging evil as we watch it spread like wildfire? Why are we afraid of that evil boss or that institution or organization that promotes injustice? Why are you afraid of confronting the husband or the wife, children, or grandchildren just to preserve your marriage or relationship with them? Do you want peace when there is no justice and righteousness? I would rather be your enemy for telling you the truth than watch you rot in jail or lose your life to sin. We did not receive a spirit of cowardice through our baptism but a spirit of courage. The time to act is now. The period of silence is over. Speak it out loud and clear directly, to save this generation and our unborn children. Let’s unite our voices and condemn the evils of our time, to save our world. Don’t keep quiet. You have no excuses for denying God or sinning due to fear. Trust in His word implies confidence that He never abandons you. Refusing to speak the truth when one should speak out is denying Christ. “Whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father.”

May the peace of Christ, Who, through His obedience to the Father restored the grace that was lost by Adam, renew your grace and courage. May we fear only God who is the Author of Life. May the Holy Spirit make us strong witnesses to the Gospel truths. Happy

Do not be afraid to be saints. Follow Jesus Christ who is the source of freedom and light. Be open to the Lord so that He may lighten all your ways. -Pope John Paul II

Read, study and reflect on the word of God daily

I keep you and your family always in my prayers. ©Clem C. Aladi (2024)

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