Homily For The 14th Sunday In The Ordinary Time, Year A. July 9, 2023

“It is not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it.” –CS Lewis

Sunday Readings

My Dearest Friends in Christ,

I joyfully welcome you to another moment of divine encounter with God. May we draw inspiration, consolation, and peace through His life-transforming word.

We Are All Invited To Come To Christ

In the readings of today, especially the Gospel, Jesus invites us all to come to Him with our burdens and have rest. “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Life is Full Of Burdens, God Gives The Grace To Accept What You Cannot Change.

Life is full of burdens which could be physical, spiritual, psychological, or emotional burdens and challenges. Many of life’s problems and burdens are simply mysterious and indescribable. Most are not devoid of solutions if we turn to God. Most times, we simply need to accept them and move on with life. Hence our prayer should be: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference”.– Reinhold Neibuhr

Jesus gives thanks to the Father for revealing to the little ones– His disciples, who are open to the grace of God, the mysteries of the kingdom of God. These mysteries are hidden from the wise and learned, such as the Pharisees, the scribes, and all those who claim to be righteous and have no need of God.

Problems and The Search For Solutions

Our lives are marked by a constant search for solutions to problems, and people can go to any length to find a solution to relieve their burdens. Scientists are researching solutions to diseases and sicknesses like cancer that are ravaging lives. Most of life’s problems are solvable with due diligence, hard work, and divine inspiration. Many solutions are temporary while others are permanent. Some solutions may further exacerbate the problem and lead to more complications. What makes the difference, is how we carry the burden, where, and to whom we run to for a solution.

Wrong Solutions and Their Consequences

People continue to look for solutions in the wrong places, ignoring Jesus’ invitation to come to Him. Psalm 16:4 says: Troubles multiply for those who chase after other gods…” Those who live in the flesh and detest the life of the spirit perish from the works of the flesh. I recall the story of a man who had a serious misunderstanding with his wife. He left home to find a solution in a bar. He got drunk and went behind the wheel. On his way home that night, he crashed into an electric grid pole and died. This is how works of the flesh, such as drunkenness, can lead to death. Now you can see how a solution sought for in a bar ended up making the wife a widow.

Have you ever regretted seeking the wrong solution? Did you know why it happened? It is because you didn’t first take it to God. You didn’t seek His direction in prayer. You didn’t imitate His gentleness and humility and you refused to take up His yoke.“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”(cf. Phil 4:6).

The Burden Becomes Light With God

Christ promises to make your burden light if you accept His yoke. A yoke is a wooden beam normally used between a pair of oxen or other animals to pull together a load when working in pairs. Unlike the Pharisees (cf Mathew 23:4) who did not lift a finger to help the Jews after adding 613 burdensome rules to the commandments, Jesus’ yoke, His teachings, are simple and straightforward forward and He accompanies the disciples as they put them into practice. Thus, Christ does not promise us freedom from all life’s challenges and difficulties, but He will carry the burdens with us to make them light for us. This is why a Christian attitude in the face of difficulties differs from that of an unbeliever. Jesus makes the burden light when we come to Him and cast all our worries on Him. (cf.Peter 5:7).

Jesus, our Savior, is coming to us, so let us rejoice in whatever situation we find ourselves in. May we live in the Spirit, imitate Christ, and find true rest in Him. Amen.

I keep you and your family always in my prayers. ©Clem C. Aladi (2024)

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