15 Things you Complain About For Which You Don’t Know You Are Responsible
We all know that there is no equality in life and that we all don’t have equal opportunities. Is this a reason you complain a lot? Ok, let me ask you, why do you complain?
You were asked to go to school but you chose to do business without any formal knowledge of business administration and you were not patient enough to go through the years of apprenticeship to learn the trade. Now your business has crashed and you are complaining.
Why do you complain when you were given every opportunity to excel in the University but you took to partying and clubbing and eventually ended up with carry-overs? You still have not graduated after 7 years of a 4-year course. What you don’t know is that you can’t eat your cake and still have it.

Why are you complaining when the opportunity to get a fully-funded Master’s or PGD program came but your undergraduate GPA was too poor to be eligible for the scholarship? What you don’t know is that what counts is what GPA you graduate with and not the clearance for youth service to collect federal government allowance.
You complain you can’t get admission into a University. You are now frustrated staying home after 4 years of taking WAEC. Why are you complaining when you don’t work hard to get a good score in a JAMB?

You complain you are tired of being a customer to WAEC when you spent your senior secondary days being absent from school. When you went to school, you didn’t care about studying for exams.
You complain you can’t sing well and that you aren’t talented when you have never taken the time to join any band group or the church choir. What you don’t know is that talents blossom when they are nurtured.
You complain you can’t find any job after graduation and youth service. We all blame our government for not creating jobs. That is true, however, you haven’t told anyone that you have gone for more than 5 job interviews and messed up because you can’t masterfully express yourself or answer job-related questions in your field of study. What you don’t know is that those who are better prepared are getting jobs faster. You can ask around. Be mindful that most CEOs are hiring the best prepared or creative individuals. It is not enough to graduate from a University, but what you bring to the table of discussion to move a company forward is what matters. Robots and automated machines could and comfortably do the things you studied and maybe even more effective and efficient. So you’ve got to be more creative to excel in our tech-driven age. A friend of mine didn’t apply for a job. He was asked in an email to accept a job offer. He accepted and was hired.

You complain you have no one to send you to school. No money, you lament! Yet when a scholarship opportunity came, it was discovered you didn’t pass WAEC and have never written JAMB nor gotten admission. What you don’t know is that you have to position yourself in readiness to be a recipient of such favors anytime the opportunity comes.
You complain you don’t have the opportunity like the other kids born into wealthy families. I don’t disagree with you. What you forget is that poor people can also become great by their intellectual sagacity and hard work. Have you not heard of students from poor families who got exceptional results and the state, or a wealthy person volunteered to sponsor them to study abroad? So stop complaining.
You complain that your business is collapsing when you didn’t invest enough capital into it and you daily take the little profit generated without documentation or re-investing. You don’t even keep a record of sales or inventory. What you don’t know is that your business should be an entity paying you, and if you are a bootstrap startup, you need to make a lot of sacrifices to keep it going.

You complain that you don’t have any money to start up a business. As Providence would have it, a friend offered to help you. Yet when you were asked about which business you have a good knowledge of and your business plan for it; it became clear you didn’t have any idea. All you want is money. Who is going to waste money starting up a business for someone who has no idea of any business in which to invest?
You complain that you are adding weight. You compare your body with that of celebrities on Instagram and feel awful about yourself, but you have an inseparable bond with junk foods and romance daily with them. What you don’t know is that preparing your food, eating healthy foods, and exercising are the key to your health and good looks.
You complain that you don’t understand the teacher in class when you hardly spend time at home working on your assignments. You play video games and complete the day on Facebook and Instagram. What you don’t know is that you don’t learn everything in class. Homework helps to take you deeper down the root of knowledge and unlocks the key to better understanding in class. Take your asynchronous readings and assignments before and after class seriously.
You complain that life is unbearable for you and that you are suffering a lot. What you don’t know is that life is never easy for anyone and that you are better than a thousand lying on hospital beds without any hopes of leaving soon. So be grateful in whatever situation you find yourself in.
You complain that the money is not enough. Tell me when will it ever be enough? You don’t live according to your means and your extravagant spending has not taught you lessons. What you don’t know is that you have to cut your coat according to your size.
I can go on and on. Think about the opportunities you’ve missed because you weren’t prepared and stop complaining. You can still work hard today because more opportunities are coming your way. If you complain too that God is not answering your prayers, ask yourself how persistent and how much faith you put into that request. Or are you just experimenting?
Are you still complaining?