Homily For The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. November 20, 2022.

Sunday Readings
“Oh, what happiness would be ours if all men, individuals, families, and nations, would but let themselves be governed by Christ! “
–Pope Pius XI
We have gathered, my dearest friends, on this last Sunday of Ordinary time of the year C, to testify publicly that Christ is our King. The readings of today emphasize the point that Christ is our King and that through His suffering, death, and resurrection, He established an everlasting kingdom of peace, love, justice, and mercy. Today’s feast was instituted in 1925, by Pope Pius XI who proclaimed: Pax Christi in Regno Christi” (the peace of Christ in the reign of Christ).
In the mood of the joyous celebration of the kingship of Christ, the gospel might seem inappropriate because it does not capture the mood in our faces today. Yet, be that as it may, the Gospel of today is a powerful testimony of the price that Christ paid for us to establish His dominion as King of heaven and earth. Situated within the Lukan narrative of the opposition to the reign of God by the Roman authorities and the eventual crucifixion of Jesus the anointed King, the Gospel condemns all forms of ideologies, civil laws and regulations, and human practices that are in direct opposition to the growth of the kingdom of God on earth. We are encouraged to promote God’s kingdom.
A King Who Died To Save Others
The Roman authorities were very ferocious in their opposition to Jesus. Jesus was unjustly condemned to die. The Romans were responsible for the inscription over Jesus’ head: “This is the King of the Jews.” Their soldiers mocked Jesus and all of Israel with this title. It was the title with which Pilate scorned Jesus and the title which Herod Antipas desperately wanted for his own. (cf. Luke 23:1-12) Irritated by how the people love Him, Jesus’ enemies display their resistance to God’s reign through their adamant ferocity.
As Jesus now hangs dying, He was mocked by the people. Even a thief who was crucified beside Him sarcastically confirmed the truth in ignorance, mocked Him saying: “He saved others, let Him save Himself!” That, of course, is exactly the point of how Jesus is enacting God’s reign of mercy by not saving Himself. They are blind. They cite the heart of the biblical message as accusations against Jesus.
Jesus comes to establish the kingdom of justice, mercy, love, and peace. He comes to enthrone the reign of God amid the earthly vanities and distractions that take us further away from God. The truth is, as the second reading of today confirms, all things were created through Him and for Him, and in Him, all things hold their being. Christ is the center of the universe. He is the force that holds all things together in being. Without Him, everything disintegrates.
Opposition to the Reign of God and Gospel Values
The opposition to the reign of God and Christian values is becoming even much more violent today than it was at the time of Christ’s crucifixion. It is no longer the Roman authorities but you and I. Christian values, which are the laws that bind together all who belong to God’s kingdom are now regarded as anachronistic, meaningless, and unfashionable in the light of modern times with all their allurements and vanities. We want to overturn Christian values to suit our way of life. Why are we embracing and adopting evil practices in society and yet want Christ to reign in our lives? The recent passing of Proposition 1 in California at the November 8 polls is a case that shows this. What is this insanity about creating laws and promoting social evils in society that undermines God’s creative plan? Why are governments promoting policies that are damaging the morality of His plan by generating and impacting negatively on the minds of young people? Why is evil becoming more fashionable than good? It is very clear that the spirit of the antichrist wants to overthrow the values of God’s kingdom, but the gates of hell shall never prevail. (cf. Mathew 16:18)
Free Yourself From the Bondage of The Evil One
Christ did not come to save Himself. He died to set us free so we can enjoy the liberty of God’s children in His kingdom. Why have many sold their liberty to the devil and remained perpetually enslaved and in bondage, when the price for their freedom was paid on the cross? Today is another day of reflection. A day to ask ourselves whether we are still under the reign of Christ; whether we are controlled by the Holy Spirit of God or by worldly spirit.
The Selfless Love of Christ
The selfless love exemplified by Christ is ideal for our collective existence in a world that is constantly disintegrating by the evils of individualism. We have to unite in Christ as brothers and sisters, as one family of God, so that Christ may continue to hold us together in being.
Respect Equality, Justice, Be Compassionate and Merciful
Christ comes to establish a kingdom of justice, so don’t treat others with injustice. Be fair and treat everyone equally. Christ comes to establish a kingdom of mercy. He forgave His executioners. May we imbibe this spirit of mercy. Be compassionate and merciful to all who hurt you. Be kind and generous to those in need. Christ came to o establish a kingdom of love and peace. May we love and be at peace with one another in the midst of all forces striving to tear us apart. Families are breaking up, marriages are suffering, and relationships are turning sour. We need to focus on Christ and on “persons”, and not on “things”. The moment our center of focus shifts toward material things we subordinate every other human value and affection to material things. This is what is damaging our relationships. Most communities are in disarray because of leadership or kingship tussles. In the first reading, David was chosen. He did not campaign nor anoint himself as King. Let us in our communities strive to restore peace by allowing the will of the people to prevail, and avoid politicizing kingship. Christ established His kingship through the cross. May we sacrifice for others as He did. Let us give up the vain glories of royalty. Let the reign of Christ enkindle love and peace in our hearts.
Live Out the Values of God’s Kingdom
God’s kingdom is present where there is love, peace, justice, and mercy. These are the values of the Kingdom. Pope Pius XI states, “All people can enter this kingdom, whoever they are and from wherever they are since this kingdom is opposed to none other than to Satan and the power of darkness.”
Whoever lives by the values of His kingdom has Christ in them. Whoever does not, is ruled by the spirit of the antichrist.
We ask God to fill us with Grace to remain faithful to our calling as God’s children amid all earthly oppositions to the reign of Christ. May we promote, rather than demote the growth of God’s kingdom on earth through the holiness of life.

I keep you and your family always in my prayers. ©Clem C. Aladi (2025)
Prayer: My God and my King, may you reign in my heart and in all I do. May nothing separate me from Your love; so that in the end, I shall be with you in Your paradise. Fill me with Your Grace oh Lord! Amen
Thank you for visiting this website and for always reading and reflecting with me as we come to the end of this year (Cycle C ). Next Sunday begins Advent, Year A.
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