Homily for the Thirty-Third Sunday In the Ordinary Time, Year C, November 13, 2022.

“They will seize and persecute you, because of Me. They will put some of you to death. You will be hated by all because of My Name, but not a hair on your head will be destroyed.”

My Dearest Friends In Christ,

We are gradually coming to the end of the calendar in the Church’s cycle year. Consistent with last Sunday’s readings, the readings of this Sunday, continue to remind us of end-time realities. The many tragedies that will occur before the end of time encourage us not to be terrified when these happen but to persevere in doing good and living righteously.

A Time For Reflection As
Signs of the Endtime Occur

The readings of today draw us to deeper reflection on our preparedness to meet Christ as the end draws near. The description of the signs that will follow the end times given in the Gospel of today includes the coming of the antichrist or false prophets, natural disasters, wars amongst nations, persecution within and outside of Christianity, religious wars, changes in planetary bodies, and sin. This year particularly, we have experienced changes in climatic conditions leading to extremely hot weather, Hurricane Ian in Florida, flooding in many states in Nigeria, and other natural disasters across the world which have brought untold hardship to many. There is no explanation for many of these disasters. The prophet Malachi in the first reading gave us a scary but vivid prophetic insight into how the second coming of Christ will be for the proud and evildoers, compared with those who live righteous lives. Everyone seems to be worried about these unimaginable and unanticipated events in our time as well as the decadence in morals and values that characterize our contemporary life. Whatever the situation is, the readings have some provocative instructions on how we should prepare for the end. No one knows when the end will come. It is not our business to speculate when the end will come because no scientific nor prophetic prediction can accurately state when that end will take place. Rather, our attitude should be one of preparation and a radical change in our conventional thought and in our ways of doing things and looking at the world around us. Just as science revolutionizes the world, paving the way to different unconventional ways of doing things; so should our religious life be more radical in terms of doing things to please God, and to draw humanity closer to God. We must be exploring more avenues to counter the evil effects of modern trends and draw humanity closer to God our Creator and to walk in His ways. It is more urgent now than ever to define our way of life so as not to be consumed by the evils of modern life. It is time to live according to the morals and values that define us as humans and as God’s children.

Evil Doers And Good People Will Have Their Recompense

In the first reading, the prophet Malachi made it clear that when Christ comes, the evildoers will find it regrettable as all the proud evildoers will become stubble and be set on fire. For those who fear the name of the Lord, there will arise the sun of justice with its healing rays. Does this prophetic insight tell you anything about the way you should live, now that the end is drawing near and Christ’s coming imminent? That end may be the day of your death.

Be A Model To Others; Do Not Be Idle, But Engage in Good Works

It is very important to note very pertinent points raised by Apostle Paul in the second reading. Paul speaks to us about being a model to others as he was to the Thessalonians. Paul warned about those who live disorderly lives; those who are lazy, who refuse to work, and are overly dependent on others or government institutions for sustenance. A busy mind has no room for evil deliberations. In this second letter, Paul highlights the importance of work as a panacea to our modern problems and as a good way to prepare for the coming of Christ. Get yourself busy, not only in your career, but especially in doing good, loving others, and in your Christian commitment. An idle soul is the devil’s workshop. Regrettably, many people are lazy not because there is no work to be done, but because they don’t find work as a meaningful way to survive or as a way to contribute to the advancement of God’s creation or national growth. There are many Americans who are overly dependent on social services(food stamps, as one example). They are directly contributing to the continuous increase in tax rates because this is the only way the government can cushion the economic effects of providing welfare for such a large population. I have often wondered why these able-bodied people are homeless and begging on the streets. I wish I could have the opportunity many of them have as citizens. In Africa and in other underdeveloped nations where the unavailability of jobs has forced many young people into uncivil activities, I encourage them to find more meaningful things to do with their lives. Creativity and the use of one’s talents have helped many. So discover and develop your talents. Be a good example unto others as Paul was to the Thessalonians. Let us be very sensitive to how our life and actions influence and affect other people. Be an example others will imitate.

Cultural And Religious Sensitivity

Cultural and religious insensitivity is also another cankerworm destroying the fabric of society today. Do not be a bad example to others. When it comes to doing the right thing no one has the freedom to do the opposite. The younger people are looking up to their elders. We can revive the values that make us human and God’s children if in our world everyone will be committed to being a good example to others. However, do nothing to impress anyone, but simply do the good worthy of emulation. You never can tell how your simple good attitude or gesture might inspire someone observing you from a distance.

Beware Of False Prophets and Various Deceptions

In the Gospel, Jesus warns us not to be deceived by false prophets who will come claiming that they are the Christ. Of course, we have all seen such false prophets in our day. They are always here with us.

Dear child of God, do not let the desire for miracles, which is one identifiable reason why many Christians fall prey to the deception of the devil and are then led into sin and regrets. Have faith in God amid the trials and challenges through which you are passing. Christ has assured us that not even a hair of ours will be destroyed when we follow His ways., Through perseverance in hardship and persecution He says, we shall save our lives.

Save your life through perseverance. Guide against Impatience.

We need to guide against impatience. Many are becoming so impatient today. We want to get everything done fast; we want to receive everything fast. This fast-tracking is the greatest danger facing us because when we fast-track we fail to be watchful, to pay attention to details and when we fail to be watchful we give the devil the room to manipulate us. My dearest, I have to repeat it, do have patience and perseverance in every hardship. Let’s commit ourselves to prayers and to living holy lives worthy of emulation, so that the Lord may find us worthy when He comes again.


We pray that the sun of justice will rise above us on the last day and that our faith and the Grace of God will sustain us in our earthly struggles.

I keep you and your family always in my prayers. ©Clem C. Aladi (2025)

Dear Lord, my heart is troubled and my soul disquieted by the strange happenings in our world. To these, I have no answers and I will not worry anymore because You alone know all. I ask not for the wisdom to understand all these but for the Grace to remain committed to You. However, things turn out I know You will always be with me. Amen.


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