Homily For The 16th Sunday In The Ordinary Time. Year C. July 17, 2022.

Our ultimate fulfillment is union with God forever—the contemplation of the divine essence in eternity. Thus, Martha’s work is indeed good, but Mary’s part is closer to what we will experience in heaven—unlike servile work, contemplation of God’s word “will not be taken away” in the life to come.
My Dearest Friends in Christ,
We have gathered as disciples at the feet of the Master to listen and meditate, like Mary, upon the life-giving Words of Christ.The readings of today, speak to us about hospitality but more importantly, about choosing the better part- the part that brings us closer to God in every circumstance of life.
In the Gospel Jesus replied to Martha, “..There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part…” Let us begin by asking ourselves have I chosen the better part in my struggles with earthly pursuits ?
In the first reading from the book of Genesis, Abraham’s spontaneous generosity and hospitality to the strangers tell us what it means to choose the better part in our attitude to life. Abraham chose the part of service which was evident in the way he treated the strangers. Abraham was moved with pity seeing these strangers on a hot, sunny day and decided to offer them some hospitality without any formal request. Abraham chose to do what he considered best for them. His hospitality and generosity were touching. This is what it means to choose the better part. In so doing he never knew he was serving the messengers of God. This episode provides the background for the New Testament command, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.” (Heb. 13:2)
When it comes to choices we make in life, we often choose what benefits us more, rather than what will benefit others. Abraham chose to be hospitable. He chose the better part by being kind and generous to these three strangers. The consequence of his generosity was an assurance of a son. He was rewarded for being kind. Let’s not forget that we draw closer to God by offering hospitality to others in whatever situation we can offer it. There are many homeless roaming our streets today, yet there is an abundance of apartments, condos, studios, and rooms for rent. The fact remains that many have traded off hospitality for money. Let the example of Abraham and Sarah motivate us to offer without charges whatever is at our disposal that will benefit others, even if it is just a cup of water. Always chose the better part.
The theme of hospitality continues in today’s Gospel with Christ’s visit to the house of Martha and Mary. This gospel pericope presents two godly women who happen to represent two forms of Christian spirituality: the asceticism of Martha and the contemplative life of Mary. Martha’s generous service is not minimized by Jesus but her worries show that her service needs to be grounded in Mary’s kind of love for Him. Together, the sisters embody the truth that generosity and love of God are intertwined. Martha performs the kind of generosity Jesus commends in Luke 14:12-14, which is to do for someone who cannot pay back in kind. By sitting at Jesus’ feet, Mary shows that all our service ought to be grounded in a lively personal relationship with Christ.” Following Christ means becoming like Martha and Mary. Be generous and love God. These are mutually reinforcing, as is the two sisters’ relationship with each other.

Mary’s choice to be at the feet of the Master to listen to the eternal words of life is the better choice because man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. The Words of Christ satisfy more than earthly bread. Today, many of us Christians are becoming more distracted by too many things, thereby paying little or no attention to what matters most- our spiritual lives. Without closeness with God, we cannot face the challenges of life with faith and courage. We must maintain a healthy balance between our work and our prayer life.
To the Fathers of the Church , Jesus’ words that Mary have chosen the better part is a pointer to our supernatural destiny. While we are called to serve each other here on earth, our ultimate fulfillment is union with God forever—the contemplation of the divine essence in eternity. Thus, Martha’s work is indeed good, but Mary’s part is closer to what we will experience in heaven—unlike servile work, contemplation of God’s word “will not be taken away” in the life to come.
We are called to make the right choices. Any choice that does not bring us closer to God but takes us farther away from Him is a risk to our spiritual life. It is not a choice for the better part. When we choose the better part, that is the part that draws us closer to God and we become fulfilled in whatever we do. Examine which part you have chosen today in your relationship with God and man.
Paul chose to be a proud minister of the Gospel by spreading the Word of God to the Gentiles. In choosing the better part, Paul rejoiced in his sufferings for the sake of Christ. When we choose the better part, even our sufferings become a source of joy.
May God draw us closer to Himself in every circumstance of life. May we be generous and hospitable to others, choosing the better part in every circumstance. This is the part that pleases God, brings us closer to Him, and can never be taken away from us.

Prayer is the soul of every generous service. Pray first before work, so that you may not be overwhelmed
I keep you and your family always in my prayers. ©Clem C. Aladi (2025)