Reflection For The Solemnity Of The Nativity Of The Lord (Christmas) December 25, 2022
Sunday Readings

“This day He Who Is was Born and He Who Is become what He was not. For when He was God, He became man; yet not departing from the Godhead that is His. Nor yet by any loss of Divinity did He become a man. Nor through increase became He God from man; but being the Word He became flesh. His nature, because of impassibility, remains unchanged”– St. John Chrysostom
My dearest friends, sing with gladness on this glorious day of the Birth of our Savior. May your hearts be filled with joy and your souls rejoice, for God has shown us His unending LOVE in the gift of His Son Jesus, born to set us free. Who are we to merit so great a gift as God’s Only Begotten Son? He who has no beginning in time entered human history. It is fitting that to save human nature, He had to assume the nature He came to redeem. When a father is present in his family, they feel protected and less afraid. Now that God our Father is present to us in His Son, let us not be afraid. As the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God, so shall you rejoice for God has shown us great Love by dwelling amongst us.
Be A Gift To Others Through Your Presence
God gave the world the greatest gift of Himself. He humbled Himself to become man being born in a manger. With such a lowly beginning, He teaches us that nothing is disgusting or distasteful about beginning lowly. It is in humility that we become connected to others; when we listen to their cries, when we offer to help, and when we show them love and kindness. Pride destroys our humanity and makes us feel superior to others. Pride makes us unwilling to humble ourselves and to be empathetic. God showed empathy to mankind by entering into our corrupt human nature and into our world of suffering and pain. It was not just the lack of space that led Jesus to the manger; it was the lack of space in the hearts of men to welcome Christ. In our ever-increasing materialistic world, many hearts are filled with earthly concerns with no space for the things of God.
Empty Yourself That You May Be Filled With Christ
Christmas is a time to empty ourselves of the pride of sin and the spirit of materialism and to allow Christ to be born within us. His Presence will transform us to become gifts and not nightmares to others. Let us be present to our friends, family, and those in need of our help no matter the distance in between. Nothing is greater than the gift of oneself. Money and material gifts cannot replace the gift of your presence to others. Parents who are not fully present in raising their children, but only shower them with gifts will someday become estranged from them.
His Mission Does Not Exclude Suffering
The Mission of Christ at Christmas is a mission that no man ordinarily would embrace. The Coming of Christ in human form is not a coincidence of faith. It is a providentially planned salvific decision of God. Christ has a purpose for which He came; a purpose He was fully aware of and willfully embraced; a purpose that no man nor woman would if they were to have the choice, would choose. To this day, many due to their painful experiences in life are questioning the purpose of their existence. In whatever situation you find yourself in, always know, that your purpose of being born does not exclude the pains you are going through. Suffering is a path to the realization of your destined goal. Do not worry anymore dear friend, Christ came for you. He is nearer now than before! We are filled with Joy at this time and deeply appreciative of what God has done for us through Christ’s sacrifice to enter our corrupt human nature to redeem it from its roots.
He Is No Longer In The Crib.
The event of Christmas strengthens our faith and conviction that God LOVES humanity! Therefore, today, we are celebrating the fulfillment of the prophecies about our Merciful God who sent His Only Son to save a sinful world. We are privileged to have God speak to us in our time directly through His Son.
We are not celebrating Christ in a manger but in our hearts. Alexander Pope once said: “What do I profit if Jesus is born in thousands of cribs all over the world during this Christmas, but is not born in my heart ?” Let us allow Him to be reborn in our lives during Christmas, this year’s Christmas, and every day in the coming year. St. Augustine once said, “Charity, the mother of all virtue, is ‘greatly enkindled’ in mankind by the Incarnation of God.” He further comments, “What greater cause is there of the Lord’s Coming than to show God’s LOVE for us? And If we have been slow to love, at least let us hasten to love in return.” Let us show goodwill and generosity by sharing ourselves with others. Jesus, our Savior is reborn in our hearts through love, kindness, mercy, forgiveness, and humble service. Like the shepherds, Go Out and Announce The Joy of our salvation, Spreading love unendingly!!
In Christ Alone – Merry Christmas!!
May a Christmas star shine into your heart and burn bright in your spirit. May Jesus’ Peace bless you and bring true joy to you today. May Christ’s Peace and Hope be with your family now and in the days ahead. May His LOVE warm your hearts. May He give you a spirit of wisdom!!!!

May The Peace, Joy, and Blessings of Christ the Newborn King dwell in your Heart. Happy Christmas.
I keep you and your family always in my prayers. ©Clem C. Aladi (2025)
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