( Lenten Reflection)

Today Remains a day of fasting and abstinence as we celebrate Valentine’s Day


“No act of virtue can be great if it is not followed by advantage for others. So, no matter how much time you spend fasting, no matter how much you sleep on a hard floor and eat ashes and sigh continually, if you do no good to others, you do nothing great.”–John Chrysostom

This is a period of personal retreat and reflection on how far and how good our religious journey as Christians has been.

Today, we remind ourselves of our emptiness and worthlessness as mere ashes. Today we denounce the arrogance and the pride that makes us feel like superhumans. Many would say in their arrogance when annoyed ” do you know who I am”? And to that I would answer, you are mere dust.

This is a season to focus on the salvific and redemptive works of Christ that gave us life and salvation. This is a time to reconnect and go back to God from whom we all began. We must identify with Him if we want to remain alive.

The 3 pillars of our religious observance in this 40-day journey are Fasting, Prayer, and abstinence. The Church recommends these.


The greatest enemy of our spiritual life is the self. We are all selfish, being born with that inclination by original sin. We have focused so much on ourselves and made ourselves the center of our lives. We have nurtured our passions and satisfied our immoral pleasurable desires. We have become so self-indulgent that our passions now rule over our lives. This is the time to mortify the flesh. Let the spirit rule your life to subdue the works of the flesh( cf. Rom 8:13). Are you addicted to any sin? Have been fighting it for so long without success? Don’t give up, you can do all things through Him that strengthens you( cf. Phil 4:13). Practice custody of the senses, watch less TV, and play fewer video games you can pack it up this period. You must fast from sin and worldly vanities.

Fasting is meaningless unless it is joined with a spiritual avoidance of sin. Basil of Caesarea gives the following exhortation regarding fasting:

Let us fast an acceptable and very pleasing fast to the Lord. True fast is the estrangement from evil, temperance of tongue, abstinence from anger, separation from desires, slander, falsehood and perjury. Privation of these is true fasting“.


The second enemy of spiritual life is the world. This refers to everything contrary to the spirit of God. All worldly allurements. The world around us is ruled by the spirit of materialism. People today acquire a lot more than they can finish in a lifetime. Greediness has taken over our lives. The poor are dying of hunger when many are wasting food daily. Many wear designer clothing and jewelry when many are naked on the streets. The great divide between the rich and the poor in our world attests to the depth of human selfishness and greed. In this period of Lent, we must be ready to let go of something in a spirit of sacrifice and not out of an abundance of what we have, to someone in need. Giving from your excess isn’t almsgiving, it is not even charity. Almsgiving is when you deprive yourself of something you so much cherish and would love to eat or have for the benefit of someone who needs it most have. Have you kept any piece of clothing or material belonging sitting for almost a year now in your closet or garage? Is it not yet clear to you that it doesn’t belong to you? Give it out to the owner now. You are no longer going to feed that monster in your life, robbing you of inner joy and happiness and making you believe that life consists of acquisitions. Break that habit that has given you a second nature other than the beautiful life God has endowed you with. Begin your race to salvation now. Don’t look back.


Prayer is the key to success in this spiritual warfare. Our spiritual energy is almost getting drained; it is time to recharge it. This is a time to book an appointment with God. You may have been praying leisurely when time allowed, without any sense of commitment to prayer; This is the time to book a daily appointment with God in prayer. Set out a time to commune with God. In prayer, you discern fully what God wants from you, and see more clearly the path He has ordained for you to follow. The devil who is the last enemy of our spiritual life Is always afraid when you run to God in prayer because each time you spend in prayer, you acquire an additional shield and spiritual power to withstand and overcome the luring tricks of the devil and the world around you. Engage yourself with spiritual readings. Read and meditate on the word of God. Order spiritual books and read them meditatively. I recommend “Introduction to Devout Life” by St. Francis of Assisi, and The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis. Meditate on the lives of saints and imitate their examples.

Remember as we children of God enter into this sacred season of preparation, it is also a time to anticipate the worst distractions and temptations; So be vigilant, be on guard, and be prayerful.

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. You may have to fight more than once to win a battle, do not relax, be on the watch, the devil is planning another attack.

Render your heart and not your garment. Return to God the author of your life. Seek His face today for tomorrow may be too late. Today is that day of salvation

May God bless you as I wish you a fruitful Lenten journey and Happy Valentine’s Day .

I keep you and your family always in my prayers. ©Clem C. Aladi (2025)