Homily For The Fifth Sunday In The Ordinary Time, Year B, February 4, 2024

“If you want God to hear your prayers, hear the voice of the poor. If you wish God to anticipate your wants, provide those of the needy without waiting for them to ask you. Especially anticipate the needs of those who are ashamed to beg. To make them ask for alms is to make them buy it.”
–St. Thomas of Villanova

Sunday Readings
My Dearest Friends In Christ,
I warmly welcome you to the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time. May the Lord open our ears to hear, our eyes to see, and our hearts to remember His Words and put them into practice.
God Does Not Abandon His Children In Suffering
Whatever your perception about life is, the reality is that it is full of contrasting opposites: good and bad times, pain and pleasure, sufferings and joys. Certainly, God does not will evil, He only permits evil for a purpose, as we see in Job’s life. A faithful Christian is one who seeks the face of God amidst all the twists and turns of life, being confident that God does not abandon just persons when they are suffering. (cf. Psalm 34:19)

Interestingly the same Job who went through trials and distress, and nearly cursed God, later gave testimonies of the goodness of God. The Word of God says that all he lost, was restored in double fold. (cf. Job 41:10). Job had a pessimistic and cynical view of life as a chain of pain and suffering, as many do today, but the same Job who said “I shall not see happiness again.” later realized that amid his affliction, God was preparing him for years of unfathomable peace and fruitfulness. My dearest, let your attitude to life always be positive. Think and act positively. Convince yourself daily that with God on your side victory is sure. In life optimism is what drives our hope. Our enduring faith in God is what helps us to see beyond suffering and pain to the beauty of life as a gift to be shared with others. A negative attitude in life discourages us from acting positively in contributing to the healing, growth, and welfare of others. Life is a gift to be shared not suffering to endure. Live positively and selflessly; share your time, talents, and resources for the good of others.
Show Charity to the Sick but let Your Healing Provoke You To Service
Jesus shows us Himself, a man who came to spend His life for the good of others. His preaching, healing, and praying ministry showed us that giving is the essence of living. Jesus was the type of person who would attract those in need. The healing He communicated was not always physical. He healed others from anxiety, guilt, and all that spiritually weighs people down. You can imagine the time and energy it takes Jesus to heal all those who were brought to Him. But He worked very hard to serve the needs of others and always put their needs before His. The healing of Peter’s mother-in-law and her subsequent gesture of serving almost immediately teach us how we should respond to God when He blesses us. May we serve others out of gratitude for what God has done for us ” We must show charity towards the sick, who are in greater need of help. Let us take them some small gift if they are poor, or, at least let us go and wait on them and comfort them.”
–St. Alphonsus Liguori

Jesus prayed early at dawn not because He needed to pray because He was weak, but because He was strong, and the source of His strength was His relationship with God His Father. Jesus knows that pressure and busyness should drive us towards prayer, not from prayer. Do not let your service to others or daily work and responsibility draw you away from God.
Show A Sense Of Responsibility and Sacrifice In What Does Not Have Monetary Benefits
Paul in the second reading of today saw himself as one who volunteered for the spread of the Gospel. He never worked to gain any material benefits, but only to share the Gospel with all men irrespective of race or color. He felt the obligation to work and become all things to all, to save at least some. When people feel a sense of responsibility or obligation in doing what does not pay they reveal the beauty of life and love.
Paul was passionate in his service because the motivation was within. It wasn’t a hypocritical display to win the admiration of anyone, but a sincere service to those to whom he was indebted, through love, to serve. My dearest friend, are you among the league of those who believe that any service which has no monetary benefit is not worth it? Think about Paul and ask yourself what he gained if not heaven. Materialism is destroying the world and causing a lot of division and hatred; let us guard against it.
We are all beneficiaries in one form or the other of the selfless services of many individuals and groups at different stages of life. This would not have been possible if there had been no one to offer their time and energy to render such charitable services. Think about those who volunteered their time and risked their lives with the Red Cross to save many from dying during wars and famine in various parts of the world. Think about many teachers in Catholic schools who volunteered to teach with little or no remuneration and yet they put in their best to raise the younger generation. Think about many volunteering in various services in the Church and society. They volunteer not because they have it all, but because they are content with what they have and wish to give to others. Great people aren’t those who work for money, but those who work to make a difference, to do something uncommonly great. When you work because you are driven by your vision to serve, then every other thing comes your way.

Let us be part of Jesus’ and Paul’s mission in serving and healing, in forgiving and reconciling with others. Those who serve the Lord lack no blessing. (cf Psalm 34) Let us, like Jesus, never break our communion with God Who is the source of our vigor to serve. In every situation look for an opportunity to help someone. Be positive about life, and know God is always with you. May God give you the grace to see life positively and give your best to it.
I keep you and your family always in my prayers. ©Clem C. Aladi (2025)