Reflection At Dawn For The Nativity of The Lord (Christmas) December 25, 2023.

“God never gives someone a gift they are not capable of receiving. If He gives us the gift of Christmas, it is because we all can understand and receive it.“–Pope Francis

Christmas Readings at Dawn
My Dearest Friends In Christ
After four weeks of Spiritual preparation in Advent, I joyfully say, Happy Christmas, to you, my dearest friends. Celebrating this Christmas reminds us that God has not abandoned us . We have greater hopes of a better world, thanks to God’s promise fulfilled in Christ. We are blessed to have been given a Gift so beautiful, so unparalleled, so treasured.
A Time To Celebrate God’s Gift and To Gift Others
Christmas is a time we celebrate God’s Gift of Himself to the world. A Gift is given out of love for us in our fallen human nature. In His taking on human flesh, God identified with sinful humanity. He became man so that we may share in the Divine Life of God and be saved by His redemptive works. That God took human flesh in Christ, should not be misunderstood as though Christ has a beginning in time. Jesus is God and has no beginning in time. He existed always and chose to make Himself known to us in human form at some point in history. Heb 1:2 says: “These last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things…”
Christmas Is Love Expressed Concretely
Paul, in the second reading, reminds us that it is not a reward for our efforts, but the kindness and generosity of God that led to God’s Gift of Himself. Gifts are not necessarily given because the recipient deserves them, but because the giver wants to express the depth of their love concretely. This is exactly what Christ did for us.
A gift is given as an expression of love. There is a mutual exchange between the giver and the recipient. The gift of oneself in serving others is the greatest of gifts. Christ came not to be served but to serve others (cf. Mathew 20:28). When a gift is given, the receiver acknowledges the gift received and expresses gratitude for it, or shows dissatisfaction for the gift. Our gratitude for God’s Gift should be expressed this Christmas, and always, in giving of our time, resources, and talents to serving others. Be a gift to someone this Christmas. Don’t show dissatisfaction by blaming God for what you don’t have.
God Chose The Lowely To Bring The Goodnews To The World
In the preceding verses before today’s Gospel, the angel said to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord”. The shepherds were the first to receive the good news of God’s Gift of His only Son Jesus, born in Bethlehem. Through their testimony, many came to know about the birth of Christ. God first revealed this good news to a group who were regarded as unreliable and never allowed to give testimony in a court of law. The Pharisees categorized shepherds as tax collectors and prostitutes, persons who were “sinners” by their work. This is because their work kept them from observing the Sabbath and therefore made them ritually impure. Often God chooses those who are weak to shame the strong. He chose to reveal the good news of Christ first to those who were considered outsiders to the Jewish faith. God chose to redeem and make reliable the testimony of shepherds whom men despised. God made the testimony count of those whose testimony did not count. “It is a lovely thought that the shepherds who looked after the Temple lambs were the first to see the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.”–Barclay. God through the birth of His Son unites those who are regarded as outsiders with those who think of themselves as insiders. He has broken down the wall of discrimination, to unite all in One. Let us use this Christmas to rebuild broken relationships. The shepherds went in haste to Bethlehem just as many were in haste to open a packaged gift. They saw the Child, Mary, and Joseph, and went back glorifying God in the Highest because everything happened as they were told. With them, we shall again sing, “Glory be to God in the Highest”.
At Christmas, we announce again to the world this great Gift of God to men. This is a time to wear smiling faces as people who have received a surprising beautiful gift. With cheerful hearts, helping hands, and voices raised in praise of God, let us be grateful for what God has done for us. Go therefore and announce to all creatures, how benevolent our God is. May we in our little capacities, share with others the joy that money cannot buy and bring peace to many homes and our families. “Best of all, Christmas means a spirit of love, a time when the love of God and the love of our fellow men should prevail over all hatred and bitterness, a time when our thoughts and deeds and the spirit of our lives manifest the presence of God.”-George F. McDougall
Born of Lowly Status to Teach Us Humility
Christ chose to be born of low social status and first revealed Himself to poor shepherds to teach us that being of low status isn’t a curse or a matter of not being favored or unfortunate. Great people and great things often start from low or insignificant status and blossom to greatness. Be content with who you are and what you have this Christmas. Who or what you are today does not define your entire life. No one knew that this Child born in a manger would be the Savior of mankind. Walk in the way of righteousness and God will accomplish great things with you. “Christmas is the privileged occasion to highlight one of the most influential Christian values; with the birth of Jesus, in the simplicity and poverty of Bethlehem, God gave back dignity to every human being’s existence. He offered to all people the possibility to participate in His Divine life. May this immeasurable Gift always find hearts ready to receive Him.” – St. John Paul II
With Mary let us ponder in our heart the mystery of this Gift to us, and pray that we reciprocate in a manner pleasing to God. May this Christmas bring you good tidings and surprising Divine gifts. Amen.
I keep you and your family always in my prayers. ©Clem C. Aladi (2025)