Sunday Readings

“Our being created in the image and likeness of God-communion calls us to understand ourselves as beings-in-relation and to live interpersonal relationships in solidarity and reciprocal love.” –Pope Francis

The living God is not solitary. The living God is not isolated. From all Eternity the Living God has lived in a relationship and, indeed, has lived as a Relationship. At the center of the universe are relationships. From Eternity the Living God has been community and family. From Eternity the Living God has been infinitely pleased as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

My Dearest Friends in Christ,

In a world robbed of communitarian life by the cankerworm of individualism, Trinity Sunday reminds us that collaboration, communion, submission, obedience, and cooperation are the ideals of a peaceful family and societal life.

Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My Own. The Father who dwells in Me is doing His works.” (John 14:10)

Each Person of the Trinity has a distinct role. The Father is the Creator, the Son is the Redeemer and the Holy Spirit is the Sanctifier. What God created and redeemed, He also sanctified. There is never a time the Father is separated from the Son or the Son from the Father, or the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son.

Their Mission does not create any dichotomy or subordination in Godhead. God revealed Himself to us as a Community of Persons. Therefore we must imitate God by living in community with others. Don’t live in isolation.

The communitarian nature of God reminds Christians that we must work together with others to actualize a common goal or objective. The three persons in One God each have a unique function but All are geared towards the same purpose which is the salvation of mankind.

If we are to work together and coexist peacefully, we must respect others by respecting their area of responsibility, knowing our limits, and avoiding usurpation of authority. We must work in harmony with a common objective at heart. No responsibility discharged for the good of others is insignificant. We must all cherish and be contented with what we do. From the security guard at the gate to the CEO in the office, anyone negligent of their responsibility is working against the progress of the entire institution or organization. The impact may vary in its severity but the effect will surely be felt. Let us work together in peace and harmony as does The Trinity.

There is no confusion in the Trinity, but truly an ordered community. The Son obeys the Will of the Father even when He knows that it involves giving up His own life. Without obedience, there will be anarchy in society. In the family, children should obey their parents. In the Church or at work, workers should obey the directives of their superiors. In society, we all have to obey the laws, rules, and regulations that make for our common peaceful existence. Without obedience, there cannot be order.

There is love in the Trinity. God saved the world out of His Love. The Mission of human redemption was borne out of Love for us. We are a product of God’s Love. Any act done with love and out of love enriches and transforms. Let us work for love and with love to remain united and in communion with one another, as does the Trinity. Let us eschew all forms of greed, selfishness, and unhealthy competition to outshine others. We all have the common goal of serving God (LOVE) and others and to achieve heaven. Worldly accolades and recognitions shall all pass away.

The readings of today from the first to the Gospel point to the very fact that there is God. The Gospel revealed the Trinity in the instruction to baptize using the Trinitarian formula. All Christians are baptized in the Trinity, we begin and end our prayers in Trinitarian sign.

The Trinity is the center and the core of our Christian life. It’s a mystery that cannot be grasped by the finite human intellect but only by the light of faith. May your faith be made strong in the Trinity.

Let us, therefore, imitate the Trinitarian communion in our relationships and form a more cohesive family and societal life. I keep you and your family always in my prayers.

I keep you and your family always in my prayers. ©Clem C. Aladi (2025)