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Homily For The Solemnity Of Our Lord Jesus Christ The King Of The Universe, November 26, 2023
“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Sunday Readings
My Dearest Friends,
We Have Come to the End Of the Liturgical Year A
Today we come to the close of the Church’s liturgical year (Cycle A). Next Sunday will usher us into the glorious season of Advent. Today the Holy Mother Church, spread through the universe with all her sons and daughters, jointly proclaims and celebrates the solemnity of Her Lord and Savior the King of the Universe. We acknowledge Christ as our King, for He rules over creation. He rules our lives and every force in Heaven and on earth bows at the name of Jesus. The feast we celebrate today was established by Pope Pius XI in 1925. Originally it was celebrated on the last Sunday of October, but was moved to the last Sunday of the ordinary time in the revised calendar promulgated by Pope Pius VI in 1969.
Christ is The King Of Heaven and Earth
The readings of today endorse the fact of Christ’s Lordship as our Shepherd and King, a King who cares and tends to His flock. The second reading from the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians extols the sovereignty of Christ who must reign until He has put His enemies (every power and authority that is opposed to God) under His feet. The last of these enemies that Christ overcame is death. Therefore through His triumph over death, we are assured of everlasting life and His Kingship over us is eternal. We who are the children of God are under the authority of Christ our Head. Every authority on earth is under Christ and that authority must be exercised according to His dictates.
Christ is a Shepherd King who tends, heals, cares, and feeds His flock. Christ’s model of kingship is servant leadership. He exemplified this through His humility in assuming the nature of man and embracing a shameful death on the Cross, all for His flock to be saved. Jesus is a King who identifies himself with those in need, with the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick, and those in prison (cf. Mt 25:40) It is therefore in following the example of Christ in selflessly giving our life for the good of others that our loyalty to the Kingship of Christ is being expressed. The love which Christ has lavished on us must be shared with others.
Every opportunity you have to serve others, whether as a political leader or a parent at home, use it as a privileged opportunity to serve and care for others following the Mind of Christ. Every authority must submit to the Kingship of Christ. Refusal to submit leads to tyranny and power intoxication that has become rampant today among those called to serve the people.
Selfless Acts of Love and Charity Define Our Christianity
The teaching of Jesus in the Gospel of today is so very different from all His other teachings in the Gospel of Matthew. For in the previous chapters, Jesus is telling parables. But in this text, Jesus is looking into the future, explaining in graphic detail, what sort of judgment day awaits every one of us. Even if you deny it, someday we shall all stand before the judgment throne of God. The yardstick for His judgment will be based on the supreme law of charity as expressed in the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. The extent to which we practice these reflects our attitude and sensitivity to the spiritual and material needs of others. One thing that stands out very clearly in the lives of the saints and generous people is their selfless acts of love. When Deacon Lawrence, a martyr of the early Church, was asked to submit the treasures of the Church. He sold all the treasures and shared the proceeds with the poor. He then presented the poor to the local authorities as to the real treasures of the Church. Nothing else, do I think, pleases God more than acts done for the love of others. If there is any quickest way to Heaven, it is in caring for the poor. Christ defined love as the fulfillment of the law and as the greatest commandment. If there is anything that defines Christianity, it is charity (the “anity” is shown through the “arity”). Christianity is a community of those who share and care for each person according to his or her needs.This was the modus operandi of the early Christian community. (cf. Acts 4:35) Anyone indifferent to the needs of others cannot call himself or herself a Christian. St. James reminds us that faith without good works is dead. (cf. James 2:14) Authentic caring for others is expressed in the virtue of love.
Our Judgment On the Last Day Will Be Based On Our Charity
On the last day, God will demand an account of those we fed or deceived with His words. He will ask for the many we fed at our table or ignored and left to starve like the rich man and Lazarus. (cf. Luke 16:19ff) Those who constantly waste food and those who spend extravagantly on material possessions,ignoring the plight of God’s starving children all over the world should be ready to give an account. Feed the Hungry today. Help those in need.
Of our naked generation, God will ask us how we strove to clothe the nakedness of sin with the virtues of modesty and truth. Many indeed need physical clothing. Do we help in donating to clothe them as did St. Martin of Tours who shared half of His cloak with a poor beggar under a cold winter night or do we watch them go naked ? Clothe the naked today.
Many are thirsty for God, for the truth and knowledge. Do we deny people the truth and watch them wallow in ignorance. A kind word of advice or direction can help redirect someone’s life. That’s why it is a spiritual work of mercy to counsel the ignorant. On the material level, many are thirsty for good water. In many communities, people are still fetching water from polluted rivers. Can we dig a well for such a community or offer a little cup of water to someone to quench their thirst? When we thirst for God, like the deer, He fills us with His living water. Let’s fill others with the living water of love, truthfulness, and kindness.
Many among us are spiritually and physically sick. They need to be prayed for and encouraged in their struggle. When we visit the sick or prisoners not only do we bring emotional healing to them by our physical presence, but they are also strengthened in their faith. When we neglect the sick and those in prison, we are neglecting God. Do you know of anyone sick or imprisoned? Check on him or her.
Let us not forgot that we are all strangers and sojourners. That person you called a stranger might be the disguised blessings coming your way (cf. Abraham’s hospitality to the three strangers in Gen 18:1-15). When you treat people badly simply because you think they are strangers, don’t forget you might cross their path again, and this time you might be disappointed with yourself for having treated them badly. When you treat people you don’t know as you would treat your best friend, you welcome Christ.
God Is Watching Be careful How You Treat Anyone
Every person is made in God’s image. Each person reflects the person of Christ. Mother St.Teresa once said each one of the strangers and the poor you meet daily is Jesus in disguise. Every treatment meted out to anyone good or bad is meted out to God who lives in each of His creatures. This was very clear in the dramatic episode that took place in Paul’s conversion on His way to Damascus when the Voice from Heaven asked, ” Saul, Saul why are you persecuting Me ?” (cf. Act 9:4) Saul, who later took the name Paul, persecuted God by persecuting Christians, whose images are made in God’s image. My dear friend, before you though of doing anything against anyone, think twice, because God is within him or her watching.
Don’t wait till the last day to ask; Lord when did I see you and refuse to do something.?Whatever you do today to anyone is your love for or wickedness to God. “Truly, I say to you,” Jesus said, “as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to Me.” (Mt 25:40).
Where Will You Be?
On the last day, there will be a separation of humanity into two, those on the left and those on the right. It will not be about being a right or left-wing party member, but rather a separation of good and bad people. Those on the left, the bad, will be cursed and condemned to eternal punishment for refusing to submit to the Sovereignty of Christ in taking care of others. “The ‘guilt’ of the cursed arises not so much from doing wrong things as from failure to do right. To do nothing is seen as the road to condemnation.” Anonymous. Those on the right are those who gave Him something when in need. They were approved based on their works. There is no mention of faith or even forgiveness here. This judgment was based purely on their charity.
May we never be cursed and condemned to hell, but be found blessed children who will inherit the kingdom of God.

I keep you and your family always in my prayers. ©Clem C. Aladi (2025)